Asia Risk Leadership Series

Asia Risk Leadership Series

The Asia Risk Leadership Series is a niche group of VIP clubs that facilitate conversations between c-suite and senior level decision makers, with the goal of sharing challenges and exchanging ideas, and to form a basis for in-depth reports and analysis. 

For exclusive partners of the series, it is a unique opportunity to be seen as a market leader, and a chance to nurture long-term relationships with key leaders from a wide range of industries including banks, buy-side firms and corporate firms.

Contact us today to learn how your organisation can become an exclusive partner.

Finance and Treasury Leaders

Finance and Treasury Leaders is an exclusive membership for finance and treasury professionals. Be the first to hear about the news, industry updates and events on finance and treasury.

  • Finance and Treasury Leaders

Compliance Leaders

Compliance Leaders is an exclusive membership for senior compliance professionals and decision makers.

  • Compliance Leaders

Energy Risk Leaders

Energy Risk Leaders is an exclusive membership for senior energy and commodities professionals and decision makers.

  • Energy Risk Leaders

The CRO Club

Online roundtable: Adapting to risk environments | June 20, 2024

Singapore roundtable: Topic TBC | September 26, 2024

Finance and Treasury Leaders:

Online Bank Treasury roundtable: operational challenges and best practices in volatile conditions  | June 27, 2024

Singapore roundtable: Spotting bank treasury risks: interest rate risk strategies, hedging, and cash management | September 26, 2024

Compliance Leaders

Singapore roundtable: Priorities, trends and developments in the APAC compliance landscape | September 25

Energy Risk Leaders

Singapore roundtable: Trends and priorities for the energy markets: Navigating markets complexities | September 25

Online roundtable: Digital transformation in energy data analytics | November 21

Actuarial Leaders

Singapore roundtable: Overview of the actuarial meta-trends | September 25

Virtual roundtable: How data and advanced intelligence is shaping the Actuary space | December 5

Contact us

Would you like to learn more about how to get involved with our Asia Risk Leadership Series? Please submit your enquiry and we will get back to you.